Lord's Court of Justice
It is a matter of thinking, why did it came to Allah's mind to create the world and create a creature. A creature who will be His best worshiper though he will be a free and independent human being. A human body with freedom to do good and bad those qualities are imbibed in his body and mind.
When Allah saw that there was a worshiper jinn with an ego. He saw that in the ranks of his prayers, a praying person like Iblis in which the concept of ego has grown. To test Allah needed to create such a creature that would be a reminder to the angels and the jinn.
Then there was a need for Allah that He should be recognized and known for his hidden attributes which were not known to angels and jinns. For that reason, he had to pick a character imbibed with His attributes the prophet Mohammad with an immortal soul in a mortal body though he is entirely preserved.
To destroy his ego, Allah asked the angels to bring clay from the land of Kabah and make a man, with mud and He told the jinn to prostrate to him so that his ego would break. His ego based his namaz (salaat) and sujood was so big that his neck would break but his ego could not be broken.
Because he took a promise from Allah that I would seduce your creation exclusively Adam's children, therefore Allah permitted until known time, and for that which we humans are still being tested.
It is difficult for majority of people to follow Prophet Muhammad truly and honestly but whoever follows him will be raised to a good level with him after the Resurrection.
To conclude Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) appeared in the world after a series of Prophets came before him to preach basic ethical qualities of life.
No one was to be punished and no one was to be rewarded the angels and jinns were worshipers and they were obedient followers of His orders, so there was no hell, no heaven, no reward, no punishment.
There was no evil how can Allah be known that He was Merciful, Compassionate, Just, and a Punisher. He needed a scale, so he raised a scale (Mizaan) of qualities so no one will be ignorant of His blessings e.g. rewards and punishment.
The extremes of evil are all written in the Qur'an Kareem, and whoever opposed Messengers was an extremist. Nimrod, Pharaoh, Roman Emperor, and Sufyan in disguise were representing Satan as their contemporary messengers of the ⏲️ time.
At the time of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), it was difficult to recognize Iblis in disguise. Then Satan made a plan that if he cannot defeat messengers, he should rather join Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Since then Satan made it his tool to defeat the good.
If someone collects all the attributes of Allah and angels fill a statue with Allah's attributes then it will transform into Muhammad a virtuous human.
We should all be selfish because we have to see our deeds on a mizaan scale no one will be with us, and we will be punished for our wrongdoings.
Angels call their leaders to whom we follow in the world when we will be presented in the house of Allah for justice. If we are worthy to get the right of intercession as followers of Muhammad, then our Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) will be with us.
We must think of eternal life, which is infinite.
Jafar Ali Kozagiri Blogspot.com
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