سبب ے دنیا Sabab e Duniya
ضرورت ے دنیا کیں Zarurat e Duniya Kuin
مقصد ے دنیا نہ ابلیس کا انکار نہ آدم کی خطأ
Maqsadey duniya na Iblees ka inkaar na Adam ki Khata
Creation of world neither Satan refusal (prostration to Adam) nor the fault of Adam (ate forbidden apple)
علام ے جوہر کو دکھانا تھا کوہ نور ے منتھا
Alam e Johar ko dikhana tha Koh noor e Muntaha
Jeweler of the universe wanted to show a priceless Kohinoor (Muhammad) created in Muntaha (highest level of paradise)
الله نے خود کی خصوصیات خوہی کی محبوب کو عطا
Allah ne khudi ki khusisiyat khud hi ki mahboob ko ataa Allah gifted His own attributes Himself to dearest friend (Habib)
کبھی مُزَمِّل کبھی مدثر کبھی علا مین کی رحمت ہویی عشق کی انتہا
Kabhi muzammil kabhi mudassir, kabhi alimon ki rahmat huyi ishq ki intiha
His attributes are defined in chapters Muzammil, Mudassir and titled him the mercy of the universe, showing extreme love
جما ہیں خانوادہ محمّد زیرے چادر تو گواہ یے جبریل یہ جا کے بتا
Jama hein Khanwade Muhammad zairey Chaddar tu gawah ye Jibreel ja ke bata
God instruct Jibreel (Gabriel) go and witness the event of family of Muhammad as they are gathered under blanket of Yemeni
ہویی چادر پانچوں سے روشن ایے محمّد تو نہ ہوگا کبھی تنہا
Huyi chaddar panchon se roshan ye Muhammad tu na hoga kabhi tannah
Ye Muhammad, you will never be alone as this ceremony is the initiation of the prophet mission known as blessed blanket
ہو میرا بھی دامن چادر ے یمنی سے مس کرلے قبول یہ دانا کی سنا
Ho mera bhi daman chadar e Yamani se mas karley qubool yeh dana ki Sanaa
O’ Lord make Dana wish fulfilled by giving him the opportunity to follow the personalities who are under the blanket
ہوے قربان علی - فاطمہ -حسن - حسین - تجھ پی محمّد کرکے رغبت ے دنیا کو منقطعا
Huwey qurban Ali, Fatima, Hasan, Husain tujh pe Muhammad karkey raghbat duniya ko munqata
Ye Muhammad your loving family will give their lives for you by reflecting their attributes and detaching from Duniya.
دانا کزگریدنیا @ بلاگ سپاٹ.کوم اشاعت کی تاریخ فروری سولہ ، دو ہزار اکیس
Publication date: February 16, 2021
This poetry theme is embedded in the thoughts, which are based on the center point of world creation, explicitly defining reason of creation of the world. It is a work of critical thinking, carried by sincerity of thinker for his Lord. Almighty Creator of the world and the universe is a sovereign entity, who was unknown until Adam and Eve, they became the subject for initiation of human life and business of the world.
Everything is created with an expiration date except for those who never created and never die. He is the one the Lord of the universe and the earth who created stars and planets and set them on their orbit to revolve without fuel for a known time.
Muhammad and the previous chain of prophets including Abraham, Moses, and Jesus were created to teach the human the humanity while they have full given the freedom to choose a path of His chosen ones or the path of people who follow the materialistic life.
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