Lord's Court of Justice
It is a matter of thinking, why did it came to Allah's mind to create the world and create a creature. A creature who will be His best worshiper though he will be a free and independent human being. A human body with freedom to do good and bad those qualities are imbibed in his body and mind. When Allah saw that there was a worshiper jinn with an ego. He saw that in the ranks of his prayers, a praying person like Iblis in which the concept of ego has grown. To test Allah needed to create such a creature that would be a reminder to the angels and the jinn. Then there was a need for Allah that He should be recognized and known for his hidden attributes which were not known to angels and jinns. For that reason, he had to pick a character imbibed with His attributes the prophet Mohammad with an immortal soul in a mortal body though he is entirely preserved. To destroy his ego, Allah asked the angels to bring clay from the land of Kabah and make a man, with mud and He...